Al momento stai visualizzando Sea … Restaurant And Archeology – Nora

Sea … Restaurant And Archeology – Nora


Sea … Restaurants And Archeology – Nora

Today I’m taking you to Pula … precisely to Nora

It is located on the southern coast of Sardinia west of Cagliari

Following the signs for Pula … you will arrive in Nola

in a large parking lot I have to clarify … it is paid for the whole day parked in the first square …

you will find on your right the public toilets with showers and always keeping you like this … and skirting the church, you will find the bathhouse

if you decide to continue … the bar will be on your right and a few steps forward .. on your left .. you will enter the beach I point out that after that parking lot ..

there is a larger one .. always for a fee that takes you straight to the beach

we arrived at this beautiful beach

perhaps one of the few where the sea is always calm

but let’s start looking around

The bay is bordered by a cliff and by the promontory with the splendid Coltellazzo tower, therefore sheltered from the winds.

On days of strong mistral, the beach is perfect for enjoying the sun and swimming in crystal clear water, with shallow water, ideal for children

continuing with the gaze .. we catch a glimpse of the Archeology area (for a fee and you have to pay)

and a little further down we will notice a restaurant

and a little further down we will notice a restaurant

behind us .. as mentioned above .. the little church of Sant ‘Efisio but now I want to show you some photos .. and then a hint of the archaeological area

The beach has a very high historical value: it is located near the archaeological park of Nora.

The ancient city, founded by the Phoenicians between the ninth and eighth centuries BC.

The Phoenician-Punic testimonies have been largely covered by those of the Roman age.

The area is located at the foot of Capo Pula, an ancient port, separated from the mainland by an isthmus, a safe landing place in any wind.

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